Call for Abstracts: DISRUPT 3.0. FAILING TO SUCCEED (Working Title)

This is a call for abstracts for a book on DISRUPT 3.0. Failing to Succeed. The book builds on the FWN’s first leadership book called DISRUPT. Filipina Women. Proud. Loud. Leading without a Doubt launched in 2014 and DISRUPT 2.0. Filipina Women. Daring to Lead launched in 2016. You must be an FWN honoree and a current member to submit.

To renew your membership dues online, log in to the Member Portal. To join the Filipina Women's Network, complete a membership application.

SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT using the form below by December 20, 2017

Many of you are positive thinkers and may not recognize a career failure as a setback but as "a blessing in disguise". These failures are what we in the executive coaching field call as "career derailments". 

As leaders we need to consider the dynamics of success and derailment.  We are not asking you to dwell on failures but on the ACTIONS you took to the success that you are today. That's why you've been selected for the Most Influential Filipina Women in the United States and/or in the World Award (US and/or Global FWN100™ Award)!

Your leadership story will help next generation leaders and fellow FWN Members to discover their own derailment potential and therefore learn from you new leadership and management behaviors.

Consider the following career derailments to reflect on your abstract:

The five potential flaws that may have stalled or derailed a promising career (Lombardo and Eichinger 1989 by Center for Creative Leadership)

  •     Problems with Interpersonal Relationships 

  •     Difficulty Building and Leading a Team 

  •     Difficulty Changing or Adapting 

  •     Failure to Meet Business Objectives 

  •     Too Narrow Functional Orientation 

As you write your Abstract, reflect on the following questions:

  1. Have you ever been demoted, plateaued early or fired?

  2. Have you been identified as a high potential manager, slated to go on in a promising career path but was knocked off the fast-track?

  3. Have you relied heavily on your technical or problem-solving strengths that have propelled you upward? Then got off-track (derailed) because you failed to understand the interdependence required to continue to be effective as a manager/leader?

  4. Have you failed making the transition required to effectively face the complexity of your new position? A career full of promise then stumbled and derailed?

Derailment is neither topping out nor opting out nor not winning a promotion each time one is available. Derailment is for fast-track managers who want to go on, who are slated to go on, but who are knocked off the track.

These are the stories we want. What did you do? What actions did you take? How did you turn around your career focus to make you succeed?

IMPORTANT NOTE to DISRUPT 3.0 submissions

YES, you may have a co-author, hire a writer to ghost-write your abstract (150-500 words) and consequently your chapter (6,000-6,500 words) but YOUR chapter has to be in the first person, your voice and not your co-author's or paid writer. This is YOUR leadership story. 

Make sure that you have a clear understanding (written agreement, recommended) on authorship, co-authorship, and ownership of chapter submitted. 

FWN is not going to be a party to your private agreement with your co-author or ghost writer.

FWN will not accept nor publish your chapter with your paid/unpaid writer or co-author's name only.


Please define leadership based on your experience, books you have read, insights you have gained. Your leadership story involves your personal discovery, making choices, interacting with other humans, etc. It provides insight into the meaning of your struggles or challenges. Behind every brilliant success story there are several attempts that did not go quite as planned. FWN is seeking stories about your best failures—those mistakes, missteps, detours, or career derailments that ultimately led you to where you are today. Rather than seeing failure as an experience to be ashamed of, FWN sees it as actions to be celebrated. It means as a Filipina woman you tried something, you learned something and you are now wiser than you were before. It is a mark of courage. To try and try until you succeed. If failing like a genius is NOT your story, consider any or all of the following questions:

Leadership Story

Why and how do you lead as a Filipina leader in the Philippines and globally? Can you identify a point when you recognized your talents as a leader? Describe. What led you to consider yourself a leader? What is your story? How does Philippine culture influence how you lead? How do you learn to lead in different cultures? What, if anything, surprises you about culture as a leader?

Leadership Competencies

How do you lead yourself? Others? Your organization or community? What do you think it means to be an effective leader? Give personal anecdotes about leading, advocating, and impacting. Who impacts your ability to do your best work, and how do you impact others’ ability to do their best work? How can you build more supporters and champions of your leadership? What are your non-negotiable values?

Failing Up

Think about a difficult situation you have faced. How did you deal with it? What do you believe has been your biggest ‘mistake’ or ‘failure’ as a leader? How did that impact you as a leader? What did you learn from that experience? What keeps you motivated to try and try again? Who is your inspiration? What’s good about failing? How can you use your failure(s) to support others?

Legacy Building

How do you want to be remembered as a leader? What is the leadership legacy you want to leave? What would you like the next generation of leaders to know? If you knew then what you know now, what would you want the next generation to know?

 Leading with Impact

What is your quest or challenge as a leader? Where and how do you want to make a difference? How are you making a difference? What is important to you as a leader? Consider results, impact, and legacy. How does the concept of sustainable development influence your leadership? How do the UN Sustainable Development Goals influence your leadership?

A synthesis chapter will pull together key themes and make recommendations for aspiring leaders and thought leaders in the sectors represented.

Please note that your chapter is a memoir, a story from your life; it is not your autobiography which is the story of a life. A memoir is just a slice of your life. For the purpose of this 3rd FWN leadership book, your memoir is how you remember your life as a Filipina woman leader.

Write a concise summary of the key points of your chapter. Your abstract should be a single paragraph double-spaced; about 500 words. Please include the following in your abstract:

  • Proposed chapter title

  • Author(s) name, title, full contact information, and institutional affiliation (if any)

  • Description of the chapter including purpose, content, key features, and how it adds to the main purpose of the book series.

The purpose of the book series is to examine the leadership of Filipinas in a complex global environment through individual life stories. The book will be useful:

  1. for people who have current leadership responsibilities with varying degrees of culture-spanning and other complexities,

  2. for leadership development in the global environment, and

  3. for teaching leadership that not only informs but also transforms promising leaders into actual leaders. Narratives about Filipina leadership have implications for gender and intercultural leadership research and practice and for advancing theories of women and leadership. Understanding how Filipina women bridge the range of Filipino and global cultures will challenge existing theories of multi-culturalism, co-culturation, and global or diaspora leadership.

TIMETABLE (ILLUSTRATIVE) Actions of potential chapter authors are in italics.

  1. 2017 October 29: Call for Abstracts (150-500 words maximum)

  2. 2017 December 20: DEADLINE to submit Abstracts at

  3. 2018 January 1: Editor Maria Beebe will email the Selected Abstracts and any initial Peer Review Comments

  4. 2018 April 1: Submit first draft of chapters (6,000 words maximum) (will be peer reviewed)

  5. 2018: April-May: Revision and editing process (back and forth with authors) 

  6. 2018 June: Book Interior Design 

  7. 2018 July: Submit photo ready copy to printer

  8. 2018 August 1: Approval of chapters and last minute edits 

  9. BOOK LAUNCH — FWN Summit in London 2018 (date to be determined)